Learning Outcomes
CUSM graduates are expected to:
- Demonstrate depth and breadth of knowledge in the discipline of the conferred degree.
- Apply knowledge of the discipline effectively to health and science practice.
- Develop critical thinking skills and apply them to health and science practice.
- Demonstrate professional, ethical, and moral qualities supported by evidence‐based decision‐making skills.
- Apply interpersonal communication skills, inter‐professional collaboration skills, and humanism to health and science practice.
- Engage in self‐evaluation, self‐directed learning, and lifelong learning.
- Participate effectively and demonstrate commitment to community and system improvement.
Co-Curricular Learning Outcomes
CUSM has a robust co-curricular program that is integrated with CUSM’s academic programs. Co-curricular programming and structures are aligned with university’s academic goals and designed supports students’ achievement of personal, educational, and career goals that is NOT a part of the regular education program. Co-curricular programs have their own learning outcomes that are mapped to Institutional Learning Outcomes.
Develop Critical Thinking, Knowledge Making, & System improvement
1. Analyze and Critique information/literature for bias (e.g., representation,
confirmation, statistical, publication, etc.) and appropriate research
2. Identify gaps in literature.
3. Apply appropriate research methodology to answer research questions.
4. Implement system improvement/CQI related projects.
5. Disseminate results of research and/or system improvement projects.
Develop self as individual.
1. Engage in behaviors that promote health and wellbeing.
2. Acknowledge personal strengths and areas for growth.
3. Develop a personal network with others.
Develop self as professional.
1. Acknowledge personal strengths and areas for professional growth (e.g.,
knowledge gaps).
2. Develop professional network with others.
3. Explore career/residency pathways.
4. Collaborate with others as an interprofessional team.
5. Lead others in commitment and action.
Demonstrate commitment to social justice and service with and for others.
1. Articulate insights into their own social and cultural identity and biases.
2. Identify root causes of health inequity and social justice issues.
3. Apply knowledge and experience to addressing issues of social justice, locally
and globally.
4. Demonstrate a habit of service to institution, local, and/or worldwide
5. Implement sustainable solutions to address social justice problems within healthcare settings and community.
Co-curricular learning outcomes supported by programming through several offices at CUSM:
Office of Equity, Inclusion, Diversity, and Community Partnerships
Sunny Nakae, MSW, PHD
Senior Associate Dean for Equity, Inclusion, Diversity, and Community Partnership
Office of Finance (Financial Aid)
Anna Cosio
Executive Director of Financial Aid
Office of Information Commons (Library)
Deborah Farber, MLIS, AHIP
Health Science Librarian
- Students will identify information needs and match effective search strategies to appropriate evidence-based database and resource tools.
- Students will analyze biomedical and scientific information for bias (e.g., representation, confirmation, statistical, publication, etc.) using the Cochrane Bias Risk tool or similar evidence-based checklists.
- Students will apply research strategies to complete a comprehensive literature review.
- Students will contribute knowledge to scholarly conversations and evidence-based environments at a level appropriate to their professional discipline with an equity-focused lens.
Office of Medical Education
Gordon Green, MD, MEd, EdD
Senior Associate Dean of Medical Education
- Utilize cultural awareness, information about population health, and knowledge of healthcare resources to deepen understanding of community healthcare needs and the processes involved in the delivery of healthcare.
- Apply the knowledge gained from a curricular course of study to a relevant situation/environment and demonstrate a proficiency in the application of new skills through a capstone project.
- Evaluate a hypothesis by applying appropriate research methodology to complete a scholarly project in collaboration with CUSM students, faculty, and/or the community.
Office of Research
Hani Atamna, PhD
Associate Dean of Basic Research
- Identify new and significant research questions related to the field of study/interest.
- Apply methods of scientific discovery, experimental design, and strategic planning to investigate a research question.
- Demonstrate the competencies for data analysis, critical thinking, problem solving, and lifelong learning.
- Utilize academic communication to disseminate results of investigations, including professional presentations, writing abstracts,and manuscripts for publication.
- Adopt a leadership dispostion, critical inquiry, and reflective intellect.
Office of Student Affairs
Moshin Yakub, MD, PhD
Associate Dean of Student Affairs
Office of Counseling and Wellness
Deborah Wright, EdD, MSW, LCSW
Director of Counseling and Wellness
Personal, Academic, and Career Excellence(PACE)
Christina Rangel, MBA
Senior Executive Director - Personal, Academic, and Career Excellence (PACE)
CUSM recently completed a review of its co-curricular programming. As a result, offices
are currently reviewing/revising their learning outcomes. Updated learning outcomes
will be posted soon.
Co-Curricular Review Process
The Co-Curricular Program Review is performed by the medical school’s Assessment and Evaluation Committee, which includes faculty from the MD and MBS programs. CUSM co-curricular programs are reviewed based on the overall purpose, vision, and goals of the university using the following criteria.
- Student and graduate satisfaction surveys (indirect evidence).
- Student goals/learning outcome data set by each co-curicular program (direct and/or indirect evidence)
- As applicable, compliance with approving/accrediting agency standards, including those of the California Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education (BPPE), WSCUC, and Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME).